Every hour, at least one Filipino develops some form of kidney disorder. And there are already tens of thousands of completely bed-ridden kidney patients in the country.

In this extreme scenario, they are looking for a messiah, and they found one in the form of Aaron. Aaron is a medical practitioner by profession with deep expertise in the field of urology. As the head of the urology department, Aaron had an administrative role as well, which included keeping the count of patients visiting his department. He was deeply disturbed by the staggering number of visits. Driven by empathy, Aaron decided to do something about the increasing number of kidney patients.

Hear him narrate his own story:

Reporter: How did you get the idea of this product, Aaron?

During my clinical years as a medical student and a post-graduate trainee, I observed thousands of patients in agony and suffering from excruciating pain due to kidney problems.
Kidney malfunction can cause irreversible damage to almost every organ of the body. So, the patients initially came for kidney problems, but later on, as the disease progressed, it led to other complications.
I wanted to break this chain of agony. I wanted to intervene in this suffering loop with a product that can stop this endless cycle. And that idea, that thought, was the birth of Urixan Active Kidney Support Capsules.

Reporter: What are the problems faced by someone suffering from a kidney disorder? And how can the capsules help them?

Well, the kidneys are one of the most vital organs of the body that filter tons of liters of blood daily. And the body relies on this filtration process for proper functioning as it gets rid of toxic metabolites.
You can imagine the scale of damage from this. Kidneys remove the toxic materials from the body, so any abnormality in their function would result in the build-up of toxic chemicals. The latter produces a variety of signs and symptoms that are indicative of kidney damage. Some of the most common signs include chronic back pain, proteinuria, and kidney stones.

Now, to answer the second part of your question. Urixan Active kidney support capsules are engineered by leading pharmaceutical experts. The capsules have established themselves as the most reliable and effective kidney supplement in the market.
The natural ingredients in the capsules solve the following kidney problems: chronic back pain, pain due to kidney stones, urine retention, proteinuria, and bladder deterioration.

Reporter: That brings me to the next question. The ingredients you are talking about, what are they?

The capsules are essentially a mixture of natural ingredients. Cranberry extract, astragalus, juniper berry, nettle leaves, and birch leaves make up the most notable ingredients of the capsules. Each ingredient serves a specific role in supplementing the kidney and solving its disorders.
For example, cranberry extract specifically targets urinary tract infections. It reduces your chances of catching one and helps with the urine odor.
Kidney disorders can also arise due to autoimmunity, a condition characterized by white blood cells targeting the body organs. In this regard, the astragalus serves as an immune mediator. It supports the general immune system and stabilizes it.
High blood pressure can also damage the kidney capillaries. To mitigate the effects of high blood pressure, juniper berry acts as a natural diuretic. It lowers blood sodium levels which effectively reduces blood pressure.

Nettle leaves are rich in antioxidative compounds. These compounds neutralize the harmful effects of free radicals.

Birch leaves are also a key ingredient in the making of this capsule. They are effective against kidney and bladder stones. And also prevent urinary tract infections.

Reporter: How do you use the capsules?

The capsules were designed by keeping simplicity in mind. So, you just have to ingest it like a normal capsule. There are no special perquisites regarding their use.
The only prerequisite is consistency. Because for optimal results, it's recommended to have one capsule a day in the morning.
The continuity of the supplement primarily relies on your body's condition. But to see even a minimal change, continue the supplement for at least 21 days. However, if what you desire is a long-term effect, you need to give it some time. Usually, the long-term effect is best observed when the supplements are continuosly taken for 90 days.

Reporter: Any contraindications we should know about?

I've already listed out the ingredients, and they're essentially a bunch of herbs and extracts. So, the only possible contraindication is if you're allergic to one of the mentioned ingredients.
That being said, it's advisable to consult your physician and discuss the severity of your symptoms.
What about the availability of the product? How can we get them?
One of my main goals is affordability. I want to provide the people of the Philippines with affordable yet effective healthcare. That's why we've eliminated the need for any middlemen or distributors. You can order the product directly from our website. And there's a special discount offer; you can avail a huge discount if you order right now.

Reporter: What about the reviews? What's the public perception regarding this product?

Customer reviews have been overwhelming, with some even claiming miraculous recoveries.
We have a vast number of returning customers, so that also speaks for the capsules' effectiveness.
I think many factors could be attributed to this product's success. But one thing that sets it apart is that it's clinically proven and certified by medical governing bodies. Because most of the time, such products turn out to be a scam, having a certification helped in gaining public trust and added to the product's credibility.

Reporter: What about its affordability? How much does each box cost?

As I've already said, affordability is one of my primary concerns. So, each box contains a total of 20 capsules covered in hard gelatin coating. And the usual price is around 3960 Pesos. But the ongoing 50% discount has brought down the price to 1980 Pesos.


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Jose Ramos

Awesome product that protests and cleanse your kidneys. It greatly assists with my kidneys problems and I only wish I would have found this product sooner!

Danilo Flores

This product relieves kidney pains. I took it for a short time, so far so good.

Teresita Cruz

Using this herbal product my stone issue is solved.

Maricel Lopez

Easy to use, all-natural ingredients. Helps to detoxify and cleanse without medications, teas, or other liquids. Give it a try!

Richard Castillo

I’m using this product for the last three months and finally, my stone has disappeared!

Erlinda Torres

I’ve only been taking this for a couple of weeks but I can already tell that it has made a huge difference in the way I feel! I’m terrible about drinking enough water so my kidneys need a little extra help. This product is just what I was looking for. It flushes out all the bad stuff and keeps your kidneys running more clear. I will definitely be reordering!

Renato Rodriguez

I haven't taken it long enough to know how truly well it works but I do feel more regular and I like that it's just one capsule.

Elizabeth Delos Santos

This product was great. You can really feel the cleanse after taking it for just a few days

Manuel Diaz

I have chronic urinary issues. I'm always looking for a product that can relieve my bladder inflammation and pain. I'm hopeful that after taking these pills for a while, I'll notice some relief. I also think it's important that this was made in the US, as many products are not.

Ryan Hernandez

This is a really good all-natural way to keep your kidneys functioning properly. I have kidney problems and get a lot of kidney infections and UTIs. I am hoping that over time this will help me to get fewer infections. I can’t drink cranberry juice, it’s too bitter to me. I recommend trying this if you like me and just can’t make yourself drink cranberry juice. This supplement has helped me.